About Us

LOKA LAW OFFICE was established to respond the legal challenges and issues that the businesses are facing in the 21st century global economy. Derived from Sanskrit language, “loka” means “world”, which reflects our team, service and knowledge. Our team consists of the right combination of passionate, dynamic, and enthusiastic individuals of experienced, trained, and professional lawyers, who are able to deliver fresh insight and practical legal solutions to ease the clients’ businesses.

We provide legal services across a broad spectrum of industry sectors and services, including the daily corporate service, foreign investment, employment, construction, litigation, and other legal dealings. We welcome and embrace the ever-changing legal challenges, including the rising development of data protection and technology issues because we commit to assist our clients to navigate the complexity of future business challenges through the strategic and efficient application of our resources and cost-effective legal services.
We take pride in tailoring and providing practical solutions to our clients’ pressing various challenges, and therefore we recognise the importance of our legal advice integrated with our clients’ larger commercial picture. We commit to a deep understanding of our clients’ businesses to offer practical and responsive advice based on their specific needs, goals, and objectives and support our clients to move faster and develop their businesses in Indonesia.

We believe that the law can be a powerful means to bring peace and prosperity to all as inspired by the Loka mantra: "Lokah samastah sukhino bhavantu" which means "May all beings everywhere be happy and free, and may the thoughts, words, and actions of my own life contribute in some way to that happiness and to that freedom for all."
LOKA LAW OFFICEでは、多くの在インドネシア日系企業による事業展開をサポートしてきた経験を有するインドネシア人弁護士と日本人弁護士(弁護士資格:日本及びニューヨーク州)が協働して、高度な法律知識、豊富な実務経験、ビジネス感覚に裏付けられた法的サービスを依頼者に提供します。インドネシアへの事業進出に当たっての会社設立等の手続、合弁事業、M&A、不動産取引・開発、行政折衝、国際取引、知的財産、環境、金融、労務、訴訟、倒産、清算など、企業法務の全般にわたる幅広い業務を取り扱っています。高度な契約書作成、契約交渉、行政折衝等を必要とするプロジェクト案件に関する法的サポート、また日常的な企業法務(簡単な契約書作成、債権回収、労務、訴訟、刑事を含む)の両方に対応しています。

We are happy to provide legal services for any of your business dealings.

WTC 5, 6th floor
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 29, Jakarta, 12920