Practice Areas

Corporate Services and Foreign Investment

We regularly handle a diverse and comprehensive range of corporate matters across a wide spectrum across numerous industries and sectors. We provide general corporate and advisory services, including review and drafting company regulations and policies, joint venture agreements, change of the deed of establishment, annual general meeting of shareholders, finance structuring and any day-to-day corporate matters. Many of our clients include foreign corporations establishing a presence and conduct business in Indonesia and we are always ready to provide complex services the foreign investment face including, among others, the investment limitation and joint operation establishment. We pride ourselves on being there for our clients at all their key moments and meeting their every corporate needs, from initial establishment through to the growth and expansion of operations and business.


Commercial activities are the core of businesses and its protection and safe operation are of the utmost importance for their success. Commercial activities encompass many and various sectors, hence different problems will prevail requiring various and creative solutions. Our lawyers have extensive experience in advising on, negotiating and drafting a wide range of commercial activities including drafting, reviewing and negotiating various types of commercial agreements for example (among others) distributorship, agency, supply and service arrangements tailored for each specific business sector including trading and manufacture company.

Construction, Real Estate, and Development

Construction, real estate, and development businesses are one of the fastest growing area in Indonesia. Understanding the increasing demand and interests, our lawyers have involved in various construction, real estate, and development project throughout every project cycle right from the preparatory stage, covering the full spectrum of construction and technical issues specifically tailored for different types of project. This includes, at the onset, advising on the compliance and regulatory issues, project and management agreements, project financing to regulatory advice in relation to large scale commercial, industrial, and residential developments, to dispute avoidance and settlement in relation to the project.

Merger and Acquisition

We offer depth and breadth in terms of legal expertise and practical experience in Merger and Acquisition (M&A) practice. We cover the spectrum of corporate and M&A transactions, including local and regional deals, joint ventures, shares acquisitions, and capital restructuring. From pre-M&A preparations, documentation, closing and post-closing, we will advise and assist clients at every stage.

Employment and Labor Settlement

The law and practice of employment is a balance, and an optimal balance drives success for individuals, businesses and communities. Offering advisory and assistance capabilities, our experienced team handles a variety of employment issues ranging from employment relationships including the drafting of employment agreement in various sectors and schemes, settlement and termination agreement, labor collective agreement, labor union, immigration and work permits for foreign workers, to industrial dispute resolutions and settlement.

Intellectual Property

Increased globalisation in a competitive commercial world demands absolute clarity on access and ownership of new ideas. Intellectual property is at the heart of many a successful business as companies begin to recognise the critical importance of their intellectual property rights and assets, and of conscientiously protecting them. We provide advice on a broad range of intellectual property issues from patent, trademark, geographical indication, drafting and negotiation of licensing and franchising agreements, to protecting our clients’ intellectual property in all forms from infingrement.

Litigation, Arbitration, and Dispute Resolution

We are absolutely committed to obtaining the best commercial and strategic outcomes for our clients who are engaged in disputes and other contentious circumstances. Our clientele is wide and diverse, as are the many disputes and legal issues we encounter day to day. Our team represents our clients at all levels of trial and litigation, from the investigation assistance, preparation and drafting of warning letters, claims, to the court proceeding or other dispute resolution channel our clients’ wish including through arbitration in Indonesian National Arbitration Body (BANI) or other arbitration body domestically and internationally.

Data Protection

Understanding the rapid technological developments, the importance of data security is growing more than ever. To embrace this development, our team has deep practical expertise advising on data protection matters including concerning data compliance obligations, data breach incidents prevention, and handling enforcement or other claims relating to such matters. We commit to provide service tailored to client’s needs with respect to establishing and maintaining information security systems, responsive action in data leakage situations and efficient use of data.
ご相談のシステム:LOKA LAW OFFICEでは、案件ごとのご相談と継続的な顧問契約の両方に対応しています。費用体系は基本的にいわゆるタイム・チャージ制により、経験及び専門性に基づいた各弁護士等のレートとその作業時間を掛け合わせて計算される費用をご請求させて頂いています。ご依頼者が、固定の月額による継続的な顧問契約(電話、メール、面談等による随時相談)又は案件毎の固定額での費用設定をご希望される場合には、ご相談下さい。基本的に月次で弁護士費用を集計して、明細(各弁護士等の作業内容と作業時間)とともにご請求書を送りしますので、ご依頼者は月次で弁護士費用の発生状況をモニタリング頂けますし、費用の発生状況に応じて、ご予算に沿った作業内容、方法などをご検討、調整、相談頂くことも可能です。また、必要ございましたら、案件開始前に大まかな弁護士費用のお見積りをご提案させて頂きます。現行のレート等については、いつでもお問い合わせ下さい。
WTC 5, 6th floor
Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 29, Jakarta, 12920