Guidelines for Halal Certification of Processed Food and Beverages is Currently in Force

Published on
November 13, 2023

The Head of the Halal Product Guarantee Agency/Kepala Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Produk Halal (“Halal Agency”) recently issued Halal Agency Decree Number 78 of 2023 on the Guidelines for Halal Certification of Processed Food and Beverages (“Halal Agency 78/2023”). This regulation was enacted on 12 September 2023 and came into effect the day it was enacted. The general overview of this regulation is as follows:

Urgency to obtain certification on halal products

In Indonesia, it is mandatory for all products imported, distributed, and traded within the country’s borders to posses a halal certification. If a product has already been labeled as ‘halal’ by a foreign authority and a mutual recognition agreement is in place between that foreign agency and Indonesia, there is no need for additional halal certification. However, it is important to note that, particularly for raw materials, additional ingredients, supporting ingredients, and the products of butchery to be registered before being distributed in Indonesia as outlined in Article 127.2 of Government Regulation Number 39 of 2021 on the Maintenance of Halal Product Assurance (“GR 39/2021”). Failure to comply with such provision will revoke an administrative sanction in the form of withdrawal of goods from circulation as stated in Article 150.5 of GR 39/2021.

Criteria which require halal certification

Besides the above provision which require all products imported, distributed, and traded in Indonesia to be halal certified. Halal Agency 78/2023 also detailing the obligation of food and beverages products that is produced by certain types of businesses to be halal certified, as follows:

  1. Restaurant
  2. Canteen/Cafeteria
  3. Eating Place
  4. Food Stalls
  5. Eatery
  6. Catering Services
  7. Other Provision on Processed Food and Beverages

Brief procedure and requirements

Halal Agency 78/2023 divided 2 (two) ways of procedures in obtaining halal certification, which are: (1) Self-declare; and (2) Regular. Self-declare is intended for Micro and Small-Scale Businesses. Whereas for Medium and Large-Scale Businesses has to go through the regular procedure.


  • Submission of application for certification
  • Verification and validation of submitted applications
  • Applicant is provided with Halal Product Process/Proses Produk Halal (“PPH”) assistance
  • Halal Guarantee Administering Body/Badan Penyelenggara Jaminan Halal (“BPJPH”) verifies and validates the results of PPH assistance
  • Determination of halal product status
  • Issuance of halal certification


  • Submission of application for certification
  • Verification of submitted application
  • Determination of Halal Inspection Board/Lembaga Pemeriksa Halal (“LPH”)
  • LPH conducts field inspection of the location and related production processes
  • Determination of product halal status
  • Issuance of certification

As for the requirements, besides the above certification procedures, Halal Agency 78/2023 provides additional criteria which must be fulfilled to ensure the halal status of the product, as follows:

  1. Commitment and Responsibility
  2. Ingredients
  3. Halal Product Process
  4. Product
  5. Maintenance and Evaluation

If you have any questions, please do reach out to us.

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Jl Jend Sudirman Kav. 29, Jakarta, 12920